Tabea & Mendi


It was still dark when we left Zurich for Tabea and Mendi’s Swiss mountains engagement shooting. And, you wanna know the truth? I was incredibly nervous: this was going to be my first ever couple shooting. I had a mental list of possible couple poses in my head, which I was reviewing again and again in my head on the car ride there. We arrived at the top of the mountain shortly after the first rays of the rising sun reached over the horizon. A light, milky layer of clouds appeared made sure we had super soft light for the whole session. It was freezing cold and they were probably just as unsure of how to do this whole shooting thing as I was. But we just went for it, walked around the mountain top, laughed and made the best of the time we had. In the end I forgot all about the poses when we were up there. We just let it all unfold naturally and that’s how I’ve been doing it ever since – even though in the meantime I was able to glean a few more tips that I can now give my couples to make it feel even more seamless.

Once we arrived back down at the foot of the mountain, we took some more photos on a beautiful field of grass that we found in between patches forests. I love going for two locations that have a whole different feel on the same shooting, because it adds an extra layer to the photo series and allows for a lot more variety in the resulting pictures. As we arrived back in Zurich a few hours later, it felt like we had just been on an adventure for a full day, yet it wasn’t even noon yet.

Did you love those pictures? Are you up for planning your own sunrise shoot? Just drop me a line and let’s talk! If you want some more inspiration, you might love Krittika and Michael’s mountaintop shooting. Or, for something totally different, head to Priscille and Antoine’s Bali Beach shooting.


Nathalie & Christian - Zurich